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Part Number (contains) :
Part Number (begins with) :
For price request, please contact : quotestock(à)
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Part NumberDescriptionQuantity
21211 DE 050 20 J RIVETS FAMILY 198
21213 DC 25 20 J RIVETS FAMILY 5 925
21215 AD 24 10 L RIVETS FAMILY 7 368
21215 AD 32 12 L RIVETS FAMILY 360
21215 CM 40 07 E RIVETS FAMILY 1 944
21215 DC 32 06 J RIVETS FAMILY 399
21215 DC 32 24 J RIVETS FAMILY 11 028
21215 DE 24 05 A RIVETS FAMILY 40 635
21215 DE 24 07 J RIVETS FAMILY 8 811
21215 DE 24 09 A RIVETS FAMILY 6 295
21215 DE 24 10 J RIVETS FAMILY 4 104
21215 DE 40 20 J RIVETS FAMILY 1 535
21215 DE 40 24 RIVETS FAMILY 3 754
21215 DE 40 30 RIVETS FAMILY 409
21215 DE 48 20 RIVETS FAMILY 9 860
21215 DE 56 24 RIVETS FAMILY 1 382
21215 TB 32 06 AS RIVETS FAMILY 2 359
21215 TB 36 09 RIVETS FAMILY 1 698
21215 TB 36 11 RIVETS FAMILY 1 033
21215 TB 40 32 L RIVETS FAMILY 1 359
21217 CA 32 13 RIVETS FAMILY 2 016
21217DB1604J ST35071 RIVETS FAMILY 2 318
21217 DD 32 06 RIVETS FAMILY 33
21217 DE 24 12 RIVETS FAMILY 308
21217 DE 32 11 RIVETS FAMILY 20 105
21217 DE 48 32 J RIVETS FAMILY 254
21217 TB 32 08 L RIVETS FAMILY 1 833
21217 TB 48 12 RIVETS FAMILY 179
21218 CM 24 07 RIVETS FAMILY 6 784
21218 CM 24 10 RIVETS FAMILY 954
21218 DC 32 08 RIVETS FAMILY 3 350
21218 DE 24 04 A RIVETS FAMILY 3 879
21218 DE 40 07 RIVETS FAMILY 2 795
21218 DE 40 10 RIVETS FAMILY 2 932
22111 BC 060 020 L SCREW FAMILY 1 063
22125BC030014L SCREW FAMILY 62
22125BC050032L SCREW FAMILY 35
22125BC050086 SCREW FAMILY 88
22125BC080078L SCREW FAMILY 119
22125TK040018X SCREW FAMILY 30
22125TK040028X SCREW FAMILY 4
22125TK050012X SCREW FAMILY 44
22125TK060016X SCREW FAMILY 170
22126CM060070 SCREW FAMILY 218
WARNING : Before ordering any specific Boeing Part Numbers (BAC…), AHG reminds that all buyers (distributors only) must be D1-4426 certified. For any information, please go to .This D1-4426 web site specifies how The Boeing Company assures that special processes, production of raw material and the procurement of selected part standards are performed in accordance with contractually established engineering specifications, drawings and quality requirements. Without this D1-4426 certification, AHG will not be able to deliver any Boeing PN to the distributors.